TINY TOTS Day Nursery & Out of School Club    

A Typical Day at Tiny Tots

Although no two days are the same at Tiny Tots, here is an example of what might happen...

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    First arrivals to nursery and breakfast is served to our early intake.

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    8.30 – 9.15am

    During this time most of our children are received into the nursery, upon arrival they go directly to their age-related areas to take part in free play, or an activity of their choice, also at this time the school children are taken to their various schools, at present we deliver to Penmorfa, Bodnant, Ysgol Llys and Clawdd Offa.

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    8.45am - 11.15am

    Flying Start


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    9.00 - 9.30am

    The Pre-school children have circle time, register is taken, and the children tell their news.

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    9.00 - 11.00am

    During term time, January to July,

    Blue Group operates for 2 hours a day, 5 days a week during term time within the Preschool setting.

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    Mid-morning snack is served (Milk/water and a selection of fruit) this is an opportunity for the children to fill any gaps their tummies may have.

    From this moment onwards, the children are all involved in the routine within each individual group. Age related activities and experience are provided throughout the day with the children having a variety of choices.

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    Lunch for our babies, toddlers and preschool children...hands are washed, and aprons put on.

    Also, at this time of day the nursery school children are collected from their different schools.

    After finishing their lunch, the little ones are cleaned up, toileted/nappies checked and then settled down for a sleep.

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    12.00 noon

    Rest time, a period of quiet activities will be organised for the children not going down for a sleep.

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    Free play for the children, activities take place in or outdoors.

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    By this time the afternoon session is in full swing with each groups routine now in operation, an interval for a drink and snack will take place within each group during the afternoon.

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    School children are collected from school and brought back to the Out of School Club, after a drink and snack they take part in a variety of outdoor activities before their tea, which is served at 4:30pm.

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    Tea for the babies, toddlers, and Preschool children is served, hands are washed, and aprons put on, after tea the little ones are cleaned up, toileted /nappies changed (this being the last of our "main" nappy changing sessions of which we have three each day).

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    Children start to go home, leaving from the main front door on both levels. (All children are both checked in and checked out by a member of staff on door duty).

    Activities still go on within the different groups giving the children who may at this time be tired the opportunity to choose a quiet game, hear a story or just free play in or outdoor.

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