TINY TOTS Day Nursery & Out of School Club    


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Are all staff DBS checked?
Yes, all members of staff employed by Tiny Tots are DBS checked.

Q: Do you operate a Keyworker system?
Children that attend regular sessions are assigned a Key Worker who ensures that the needs of the children in their care are being met. Children of shift workers, children who are making transitions to the next age group and children having extra sessions are assigned a key worker on a daily basis

The Key Worker is responsible for keeping track of the child’s development and individual learning journey, they will provide both support and advice to both parents and children and where possible will be available to discuss any worries or particular concerns that parents may have on a day to day basis.

Q: What should I bring with them to nursery?
Each child should have sufficient clothes for their daily needs plus a spare set in the event of accidents. Parents of babies and children who are not fully toilet trained are asked to provide enough nappies to last their daily session. Wipes, lotions and nappy cream must also be provided.

Suitable and seasonal outdoor clothes must also be provided i.e. Wellingtons coat hat and gloves for the winter.

A comforter if required clearly labelled with your child’s full name on.

Q: Do I need to provide formula milk?
Yes, parents must provide enough formula milk and clearly labelled bottles for each session. Expressed milk must also be clearly labelled with your child’s full name.

Q: Do you cater for dietary requirements?
Yes, we endeavour to work very closely with parents to ensure that all dietary requirements are met.

During your child’s enrolment you will be requested to complete the registrations forms and childcare agreement which includes a section on allergies and dietary requirements. All information will be passed onto the catering staff.

Q: How will I receive regular feedback on my child’s progress?
Verbal feedback is shared between staff and the child’s parents daily. We also give parents written feedback each day on a ‘daily diary’ sheet, which provides parents with a record of sleep times, meals, toileting, activities etc…

Q: Who should I talk to if I have a problem?
What ever the problem, we are always here to listen and support all parents concerns. Your child’s Keyworker or the team leader of their area will always be available for you to talk to. If you are not satisfied with the answer then the nursery manager will always be happy to talk to you.

Q: Is there a registration fee to pay?
Yes, a registration fee of £20 is required for each child enrolling to confirm a nursery place.

Q: Do you offer a discount for siblings?
A: Yes, we offer a 5% reduction on the sibling with the lowest cost.

Q: Do I have to pay for Bank holidays?
Yes, even though we are closed on Bank holidays fees are still payable over holiday periods when the nursery is closed.

Our fees are calculated over 52 weeks. This is generally the normal business practice. It is calculated this way as staff wages and most of the overheads remain constant throughout the year. In an effort to provide the best possible care for the most reasonable fee we have to work to a very strict budget. This is monitored carefully at all times and we are dependent on fees being paid on time to meet our obligations.

Q: When are you closed for holidays?
We are closed on all Bank holidays and the period between Christmas and New Year.

Q: How do I pay for my childcare fees?
Fees are due by the Wednesday of the week of attendance and the following methods of payment are accepted by Tiny Tots:-

  • Standing Order
  • Bank Transfer
  • Childcare Vouchers
  • Cash
  • Debit Card

We regret we are unable to accept payment by cheque and would advise that a 2% fee will be added if you chose to make a payment by credit card.

Q: Can I use childcare vouchers?
Yes, your employer maybe able to provide you with childcare vouchers which can be used towards the cost of qualifying childcare. This is normally a simple process which your employer will tell you about.

Q: How does the free Entitlement for 3 year olds work?
The 10 hours free entitlement from the Government will mean a reduction in your child’s fees. The two hour funded educational sessions we offer run from 9.15am to 11.15am Monday to Friday, during term time only. If your child only attends part of the week then he/she will be entitled to attend the two hours on the other days free of charge. Because these sessions are funded we will be inspected by Estyn in the same manner as all nursery schools in Wales. We follow the Foundation Phase Curriculum which mirrors the education of nursery schools.

This scheme only applies to children who are three years old or will become three years old between January and the beginning of April. You will need to complete a parent contract form through us stating how many sessions you are claiming. Further information will be provided at this time.

Questions?Q: Do you offer settling in sessions?
During your child’s enrolment you can take up the offer of your child benefiting from two free of charge settling in sessions a week or two before they are due to start. The sessions will be booked within the convenience of the parent and the nursery and run for approximately 1-2 hours. Settling in sessions are key to a smooth transition for your child into nursery life.

We understand how difficult it is leaving your child with someone else so please remember you are welcome to call the nursery at any time to check on your child.

Q: If my child is ill are they allowed to attend?
We have the right to refuse admission to any child who they feel is unwell or has an infection which could be passed on to others. Parents are requested not to send their child to nursery if they are suffering from any infectious diseases.

Parents are required to telephone the nursery if their child will not be attending their session due to illness. We would appreciate when you telephone, to tell us, the name of your child and the reason why they are not attending as we will have to inform other parents if it is an infectious illness.


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