TINY TOTS Day Nursery & Out of School Club    

Qualifications & Awards

The National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) awards – Shining Star special recognition award

The National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) awards where held on the 9th of June 2023, Tina was awarded a Shining Star special recognition award.
Tina was awarded for her achievements and commitments to NDNA, her role as a trustee for Wales, and continued work in the childcare sector.


Big Bens Adventure Club & Tiny Tots Out Of School Club are absolutely thrilled to have won such an incredible award recognised nationally throughout Wales with Clybiau Plant Cymru 😁

The award was presented by Kevin Barker, the head of ‘CIW’ Childcare Inspectorate Wales.
There are 456 registered out of school clubs in Wales and we are among the best 🤗
Ben and Kira Jones were also shortlisted for ‘Play Worker’ of the year award 😃
Big Bens Adventure Club & Tiny Tots were also shortlisted for ‘Out Of School Club’ of the year 🤩

Tiny Tots Prestatyn have been awarded the Food Hygiene Elite Award, as we have had three consecutive top scores of 5

eQuality Counts logo

After weeks of waiting, on the 15th February 2013 we finally found out that we have been awarded ‘Level 3’ of the ‘National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) E-Quality Counts Accreditation Scheme’. (Level 3 being the highest score showing we proved an exemplary childcare service for all our children in our care) It’s an amazing achievement for us all, we are so very proud we met all the criteria. Please ask us for a copy of our latest e-QUALITY COUNTS NDNA Accreditation report.
More information about National Day Nurseries Association at www.ndna.org.ukLink opens in a new window

designed to smile Design to Smile Gold Award
has been issued after taking part in the scheme for more than 3 years.
Issued by NHS Wales under the Health Challenge Wales Campaign www.designedtosmile.co.ukLink opens in a new window


More information about Food Standards at www.food.gov.ukLink opens in a new window

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