TINY TOTS Day Nursery & Out of School Club    

Working at Tiny Tots

Do you share our passion for working with children and their families?

We are looking to recruit NURSERY NURSES to join our experienced team.

You will be…

  • Dedicated
  • Enthusiastic
  • Motivated
  • Able to bring with you lots of fun and ideas
  • Keen to undertake relevant training and professional development with us.

You should have…

  • NVQ Level 3 or NVQ Level 2 with a view of working towards Level 3
  • Excellent knowledge of child development.
  • Experience of working with young children
  • Strong teamwork skills
  • Excellent communication skills

We will offer you commitment to your professional development, salary exceeding Minimum Wage, working in a friendly and supportive team and investment in your future with us.

Sounds good? If you have the relevant qualification please apply!

Please contact Tina or Kirsty Jones at

or email nursery@tinytotsprestatyn.co.uk for an application pack.


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