TINY TOTS Day Nursery & Out of School Club    

Blue Group – Early Entitlement Funded Sessions

Tiny Tots is also registered with Estyn to provide LEA funded early year’s education (Foundation Learning) as well as care to the children attending our nursery school.

Governments Early Entitlement Scheme/Foundation Learning.

This scheme has been set up by the Welsh Assembly to provide free part time education for all three year olds for the parents who want it. The scheme runs from January to July allowing children to join this group the term after their third birthday. The two hour funded sessions run from 9.00am to 11.00am Monday to Friday, during term time and take place in the ‘Out of School’.
Here at Tiny Tots we pride ourselves on providing excellent opportunities for each child in a safe and caring environment.  Vickie, Sirena and Angel run the blue group with excellence, ensuring that all areas of learning are catered for. A qualified teacher from Denbighshire LEA also attends once a week to support the setting and share her early years skills.  Because these sessions are funded we will be inspected by Estyn in the same manner as all nursery schools in Wales.  Blue group follows the Foundation Learning Curriculum which mirrors the education of nursery schools.
During your child’s time in Blue Group, each child will have a “Playing to Learn” booklet which is similar to a ‘Record of Achievement’ that will follow your child to school come next September.

Your child will be eligible for reduced full day care fees discounting the free two hour education sessions. If your child only attends part of the week then he/she will be entitled to attend the two hours on the other days free of charge (places limited). *Please note that on Bank Holidays, and all school holidays there are no funded sessions.* If your child is only here for the funded session, (i.e. arrives at 9.00am and is picked up at 11.00am) please can you drop off and collect from the Out of School Club.  If your child is booked in earlier and/or attends nursery for a full day, then please can you drop off and collect from the Pre-School door as normal.

Our Blue Group funded sessions begin after the Easter holidays so sessions will be funded from then onwards.  All children entitled to funding have been moved into this group in preparation and to allow them to become familiar with their new learning environment.  In the mean time if you would like to speak to us about Blue Group, or come and see Blue Group in action, please do not hesitate to ask either Vickie, Sirena, or Tina.

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