Staff News
We are proud to announce that finally all our staff (including Anton) are now Paediatric First Aid trained, we are now officially 100% first aid qualified throughout the nursery!! Well done to all staff!!!!
This good practice has come about by the NDNA (of which I am a trustee for) being awarded the contract to deliver ‘Millie’s Mark’ a new quality mark for nurseries where all employees have to be trained in Paediatric First Aid.
Millie’s Mark is named after Millie Thompson, who tragically died as a result of choking on food at a nursery in Stockport in 2012, where there were only 2 first aiders present. Her parents Dan and Joanne Thompson set up Millie’s Trust in her name to campaign that all members of staff working in a nursery with a childcare level 2 and 3 qualification must have an emergency Paediatric First Aid or full Paediatric First Aid certificate. This at present applies to England however we are hoping all Wales nurseries will adopt this good practice. Nurseries will be spot checked to ensure they maintain the 100%.