TINY TOTS Day Nursery & Out of School Club    

Media / Press

MBE honour for Tiny Tots nursery owner
The Journal, Wednesday January 6th, 2016

All smiles from Tina Jones and daughters Kira and Kirsty

All smiles from Tina Jones and daughters Kira and Kirsty

A NURSERY owner who has been looking after children for more than 40 years has been recognised in the Queen’s New Year Honours list.
Tina Jones, aged 60, was appointed MBE for services to Childcare and Early Learning in Denbighshire after running Prestatyn’s Tiny Tots nursery for more than 40 years.
Mrs Jones, a former Prestatyn High School pupil who has lived in the town all her life, has served on Prestatyn Town Council since 2012. She said: “I’m elated, the phone hasn’t stopped ringing. It is fabulous, I am so proud. This is our 44th year at Tiny Tots.“I would like to thank the person who nominated me, I don’t know who it is.”
Mrs Jones, owner and manager of the nursery based on Meliden Road which opened in October 1972, says ‘thousands’ of children have passed through the nursery over the years and said grand- children of previous atten- dees are now being looked after.
She said: “We are on to the third generation of children now and I’m looking forward to more years at Tiny Tots. “A nursery gives parents reassurance that their children are in a safe, caring and happy environment.”
“Without the staff, past and present, I wouldn’t be here, they support me so much.”
Mrs Jones’ daughter Kirsty works full time at the nursery while daughter Kira, a mobile beauty therapist, also lends a hand at the family-run business.
She will receive her award at Buckingham Palace from a prominent member of the royal family within the next seven months. Mrs Jones, added: “I’m looking forward to going and I will be taking my daughters with me.”
Mrs Jones has been a National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) Trustee for more than 20 years and is a quality assessor for the NDNA’s accreditation scheme, E-QC.

Forty years of caring for children and babies
Rhyl Journal, 26th June 2013

TINY Tots nursery in Prestatyn has been providing quality care to children and babies of all ages for more than 40 years.
Owner and manager, Tina Jones, opened Tiny Tots in October 1972, and it operates on two levels, enabling the nursery to provide services which include a superb self-contained baby unit, toddler areas and preschool play areas which ensures Tiny Tots can provide a greater variety of activities, along with a wealth of opportunities and experiences…

Click here to download and read
the full Leaders-in-their-field Journal article
26th June 2013
(PDF format)

Tiny Tots Journal June-26-2013

Tiny Tots ‘Leaders in their field’ Feature
Journal 26th June 2013

Prestatyn nursery Tiny Tots makes giant strides with top award –
by Martin Williams, Daily Post West, 15th March 2013

A Children’s nursery took huge steps to scoop a national prize.

Tiny Tots in Prestatyn received national recognition for the quality of care it offers children. The Meliden Road business was awarded the National Day Nurseries Association’s (NDNA) e-Quality Counts at level three, which indicates it is achieving ‘exemplary practice’.

e-Quality Counts is a national quality scheme designed to help a nursery explore all aspects of its care and education to ensure it is delivering the best possible service for young children.

Tiny Tots manager Tina Jones, who founded the nursery over 40 years ago, told the Daily Post: “We’re absolutely thrilled to have been awarded e-Quality Counts at Level 3, this is the highest quality award achievable specifically for day nurseries and reaching this point is a culmination of much hard work from my amazing nursery team. “I would like to thank them and everyone who has supported us during our e-QC journey, we are all very much looking forward to maintaining our success in the future.”

Tina and her team were visited by Stella Ziolkowski and Anne Naylor, directors of the NDNA, and mayor of Prestatyn, CouncNDNA chief executive Purnima Tanuku praised the work of the nursery, and said: “Achieving e-Quality Counts involves a great deal of hard work and development and illustrates a nurseries absolute commitment to children“Tiny Tots should be very proud of this achievement as the e-Quality Counts scheme demonstrates that children are at the heart of what they do.”

For further information about NDNA, call 01484 407066.

Totting up 40 years! –
Rhyl Journal, 17th October 2012

TINY TOTS nursery in Prestatyn is celebrating 40 successful years of providing quality care to children and babies of all ages.

Click here to download and read
the full 40 Year Anniversary Journal article
17th October 2012
(PDF format)

Journal Oct 17 2012

Tiny Tots 40 Years Anniversary Feature
Journal 17th October 2012






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