TINY TOTS Day Nursery & Out of School Club    

Estyn / Reports

EstynEstyn is the office of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales. It is a Crown body, established under the Education Act 1992. Estyn is independent of the National Assembly for Wales but receives its funding from the Welsh Government under Section 104 of the Government of Wales Act 1998.

Estyn inspects quality and standards in education and training providers in Wales.

>> Click here to view Tiny Tots latest Estyn Inspection report information Link opens in a new window


More information about Estyn at www.estyn.gov.uk Link opens in a new window

eQuality Counts logo
e-QC accreditation report Level three –  click to view

We as a nursery are proud to have been awarded the highest level of achievement (level 3) indicating Tiny Tots provides an exemplary childcare service for all our children in our care. Please ask us for a copy of our latest e-QUALITY COUNTS NDNA Accreditation report.
More information about National Day Nurseries Association at www.ndna.org.ukLink opens in a new window

Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW)
Their role is to make professional inspections and judgements about social care, early years and social services and so encourage improvement by the service providers.
More information about CSSIW at wales.gov.uk/cssiwsubsite/newcssiwLink opens in a new window

CSSIW nursery inspection report – September 2014 – click to view

CSSIW nursery inspection report – November 2015 – click to view

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