TINY TOTS Day Nursery & Out of School Club    

Out of School Club

Our Out of School Club was established in 1998 within the grounds of the Tiny Tots nursery, this unit is self-contained and equipped to a very high standard. We cater for all ages of school children in full time education, before and after school in term time and full day care during the holidays.

Our Out of School Club is Registered for 18 children from the age of 4 years, operates a Breakfast Club from 7.00am till 8.30am, an Out of School Club from 3pm till 6pm and full day care during the school holidays, training days etc. from 7am till 6pm.

The Club is registered under the Children’s Act 1989 with the Care and Social Services Inspectorate in Wales (CIW) and is inspected annually with the nursery.

KIRA’s EXPLORERS Club, managed by Kira Jones was set up at the beginning of 2024, previously known as BiG BENs, aimed specifically at 8- 11year olds which will run alongside our already existing out of school and holiday club. KIRA’s EXPLORERS Club offers a wide range of outdoor activities and experiences!

We have a separate prospectus for our Out of School Club which contains all the relevant information required.


The club is a full member of Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids Club (CPCKC) and part of their Quality Accreditation scheme ‘Aiming High’ of which Tiny Tots Out of School Club has achieved the highest level – 3 (Excellence).



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